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Dec. 17 2010
USDA just announced they are set to publish their 2,300-plus page Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in the Federal Register, nearly four years after U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer halted the sale...
Sept. 3 2010
The deep financial cuts suffered by Western dairy producers last year still have a long way to go before they heal, but attitudes out there really do seem to be getting better. In recent weeks, we've visited...
Aug. 17 2010
As the Hoard's Dairyman editorial intern, you have the opportunity to dabble in many aspects of the dairy and publishing worlds. From being a regular contributor to the magazine, to visiting dairies around...
July 9 2010
Efforts to rid the U.S. cow population of tuberculosis have been underway since 1917, when scientists developed the first accurate early detection test. After nearly a century of increasingly more diligent...
June 18 2010
Because it's the biggest agricultural state in the U.S. and a frequent trendsetter on political and social issue, farmers across the country may want to keep their eyes on an agricultural overtime pay...
May 20 2010
Are you ready for the kids to come running off the school bus on the last day of school and right into the farm yard? Summer vacation for children raised on farms is usually filled with memory-making activities...
Jan. 20 2010
Activity monitoring systems for cows have become quite popular in recent times. Yes, not only can you measure how many steps you take by wearing a pedometer, you can measure how many steps your cows take...